Saturday, April 22, 2023


1. ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text. It is also used for answering questions, translating languages, composing music, generating stories and poems, summarizing, writing code, and much more. 

My curiosity led me to play around with chatGPT, and I got some pretty cool responses from the bot (It's free and easily accessible as of now). ChatGPT certainly has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with chatbots. But we can’t overlook the potential ethical and social dangers it poses. Even OpenAI has advised verifying the content generated by chatGPT as it is still in the training and development phase. I do not trust with system.

2. Risks associated with using chatGPT

ChatGPT is not capable of verifying the accuracy of the information in training data and may generate responses that are false or misleading. Sometimes it can solve a complex algorithmic problem but give inaccurate results for a simple mathematical problem. 

  1. Soon after ChatGPT launched in November 2022, some large school districts, concerned about student cheating, immediately blocked access.
  2. ChatGPT-generated work has left many teachers spending more time checking for AI plagiarism and revamping lesson plans to be “AI-proof." According to a recent survey, about 1 in 4 teachers have caught students cheating using the chatbot.
  3. Some educators believe the benefits outweigh the risks and have embraced ChatGPT in their classrooms.

3. Accuracy and reliability problems ChatGPT may sometimes provide inaccurate or incomplete information, which could lead to misunderstandings or confusion for students and teachers.

This program is using limited context. AI models like ChatGPT can only respond based on the information they have been trained on and cannot access real-time facts or understand the context the same way a human would. Thus the responses lack a ‘human touch.’ The answers also seem too formal and machine-generated.
Additionally, according to OpenAI, chatGPT’s knowledge is limited to events that occurred before 2021, thus it can’t answer questions related to events post that.

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