Friday, April 28, 2023

Description and reflection on the short online course


Description and reflection on the short online course that I developed.

Virtual education has expanded rapidly over the past 15 years. In 2002–2003, K–12 students took an estimated 317,000 virtual courses nationwide, as opposed to about 1.8 million enrollments in 2009–2010 (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). New estimates suggest that this growth has continued apace in recent years, with an estimated 4.5 million K–12 course enrollments taken through online providers in 2014–2015 (Evergreen Education Group, 2015). Moreover, online course taking may reduce disparities in the quality of teaching across schools, as teachers are not tied to specific schools, and it may allow for pedagogical innovations.

This document provides general information about incorporating my online course into the curriculum. It covers the following points: (1) the reasons for using the online course in the educational process; (2) description of the online course; (3) examples of goals and objectives of the online course for using different tools; (4) the main obstacles that students may encounter, as well as possible ways to overcome them; (5) conclusion.

An online course is understood as a holistic audiovisual educational product, 6 lessons, the mandatory elements of which are video lectures on each topic of the course, various forms of control on each topic of the course, a forum or other feedback element, a final test, literature for the course. My online course "ART for Y6" will be implemented completely online, with all elements of the course, including all forms of control, implemented asynchronously, synchronously and remotely.

Reasons of using online courses

Online learning allows for far more autonomy in deciding your own schedule. It is flexible. That means they can study whenever it’s convenient for them. Also, online students have better opportunities to collaborate with classmates through virtual group work and meetings. One of the benefits of online courses are the message boards and grouping tools that allow students to post their feedback on readings and other assignments and respond to their classmates. Students may also receive more one-on-one time with their teacher with virtual learning, which is beneficial for both learning and networking. Students can communicate director with their teacher and upload assignments for review. Rather than waiting days or weeks after submitting the work, students can often get immediate feedback. In online courses, students upload assignments digitally for review by their professor. Teachers review student work online and submit feedback electronically. As a result, students receive feedback right away. In a traditional classroom setting, students may need to wait a week or two to receive feedback on their assignments. By receiving feedback sooner, students can learn faster and adjust for future assignments.

Description of the online course

My mini online course is hosted on the internal online platform and is intended for 6th grade students and has the following description elements: annotation and course structure, course content with planned learning outcomes, applied control forms and assessment formulas, information about the course author, literature description and a link to additional resources. I found classroom helps me to save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students. Classroom helped me to create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with my classes. Classroom helps students organize their work in Google Drive, complete and turn it in, and communicate directly with students. I could quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback to individual students.

The structure of my Arts course will be an additional part to the British Education Curriculum (delivered entirely online) in year 6, to the topic "The water conservation". Duration of the course is six lessons, and the average workload is one lesson per week.

Examples of goals and objectives of the online course and using different educational tools.

In my art mini course, I used Genially-Escape room template,,,,,,,, and to create 6 sessions, each section has different tasks related to the topics: “Pointillism”, “Silhouette”, “The Japanese Footbridge”, “The water lilies”, “The Great wave”, “Water conservation” and “Red Fuji”. I used each of these educational tools to create assessments after each lesson.

I created tests, map questions, true/false questions, tasks with audio answers, questions based on the pictures in the Genially-Escape room template. It is a great tool for introducing the new topics at the start of a new course. The aim of using Genially-Escape room template as an educational tool is to develop cooperation and decision-making skills. I put students in small groups and asked them to complete the challenge as a team, or it is possible to assign each person a character in the game.

In and, I created questions about playing solo or in teams. It aims to match action with education to create the ultimate learning experience! Similar to Gimkit, Kahoot, and Quizizz, it makes education fun through gamification. Students stay engaged and motivated for all lessons.

The aim of using is to create an array of interactive and engaging class activities for students in person or online. I was using quiz templates, but the platform provides various templates to make lessons more interesting.

Aim of using Padlet for me is looking for new and different ways of answering questions and solving problems. On my page it was answering audio questions about silhouettes and sharing student’s work. combines the digital tools of quizzes, polls, and word clouds to offer a central point for class and remote learning interactions.  I made a presentation about water lilies and quiz after it. Essentially, the aim of using this tool is a super powerful presentation tool for teachers and students. This platform is more about presentations, so it's less quiz-focused than the likes of Quizlet (opens in new tab) or Kahoot! (opens in new tab), which are all about that and little else. The system is easy to use with presentations that are straightforward to build, share, and engage with, live. With feedback for data trends, this becomes a very powerful tool that can work well for teachers.

I used most in my lessons, students can only watch the video lessons assigned by the teacher. In other words, the teacher will be the one filtering the content from YouTube so that students can only view educational content. I embed own questions in the video, and students will receive immediate feedback so I could see if they’ve understood the content or not. is a safe environment that will empower your child to take ownership of their learning one video at a time. I found less useful for youngest students, there is no element of game, only for discussion and comments.

Limitations of Online Learning

Online Learning May Create a Sense of Isolation. Everyone learns in their own manner.  Some students possess the ability to work independently, while others find comfort in their community on campus with easy access to professors or their fellow students.  The good news is online virtual classroom platforms have been working to bridge those gaps, recreating the feeling of community in the virtual space by producing a series of tools that encourage learners to actively participate in live sessions.  Online education must support the social aspect of learning to match the effectiveness of traditional classes.

Online Classes Are Prone to Technical Issues. The classic disadvantages of online learning center around technical problems.  Nothing disrupts an online lesson more than audio, video, or connection issues.  Many times, in the past, students were required to download and/or install cumbersome apps or technology that would deliver inconsistent performances.  Luckily nowadays, online classes can be accessed through the click of a link without the need to install anything.  Internet connections throughout the world have improved dramatically. Additionally, people’s devices have gotten significantly better.

Online Learning means more screen-time. It’s pretty much inevitable in 2022, but darn do we spend a frightening amount of time in front of screens. Online learning sadly contributes to this problem. Excessive screen-time can lead to all sorts of physical ailments like poor posture or headaches. But it can also be a personal issue to students who struggle with learning from or focusing on screens. Especially since the internet is geared to distract students with social media and entertainment just a click away from the learning material. The better online learning platforms and software out there have all kinds of tools and features to help students staying attentive and engaged.


There are advantages and disadvantages of online learning for higher education. But as technological capabilities have reached new heights and many of the major concerns of students taking online classes have been addressed, the advantages of online mini classes are beginning to drown out the disadvantages. More resources are available to students and teachers to enhance and expand classroom activities.  Teachers are no longer limited to the materials they have in their classrooms or in the school media center. They can access resources from around the world. They can provide students with experiences like WebQuest that help them to learn to use the internet as a source of information. Students can reach out to other students and experts to exchange ideas.  The Internet has opened classrooms to a wealth of information around the world.


Reference list

Demiray, U., Kurubacak, G. and Volkan, Y.T. (2011). Meta-Communication for Reflective Online Conversations: Models for Distance Education. IGI Global.

Goldie, J.G.S. (2016). Connectivism: A knowledge learning theory for the digital age? Medical Teacher, [online] 38(10), pp.1064–1069. doi:

Hokanson, B., Clinton, G., Tawfik, A.A., Grincewicz, A. and Schmidt, M. (2020). Educational technology beyond content : a new focus for learning. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Igi Global and Information Resources Management Association (2020). Learning and performance assessment : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hershey, Pennsylvania (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, Usa): Igi Global.

Keengwe, J. and Onchwari, G. (2019). Handbook of Research on Literacy and Digital Technology Integration in Teacher Education. IGI Global.

Kjell Erik Rudestam and Schoenholtz-Read, J. (2010). Handbook of online learning. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Lin, M.-H., Chen, H.-C. and Liu, K.-S. (2017). A Study of the Effects of Digital Learning on Learning Motivation and Learning Outcome. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, [online] 13(7). doi:

Mcintosh, P., Digwarren and Firm, P. (2013). Creativity in the classroom : case studies in using the arts in teaching and learning in higher education. Bristol: Intellect.

Means, B., Bakia, M. and Murphy, R. (2014). Learning Online. Routledge.

Picciano, A.G., Dziuban, C.D., Graham, C.R. and Moskal, P.D. (2021). Blended Learning. Routledge.

Raisinghani, M. (2016). Revolutionizing Education through Web-Based Instruction. IGI Global.


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COPY and PASTE the link to your course here. If possible, add a dummy student credentials (username and password).

Art lessons for Y6 (

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Description and reflection on the short online course

  Description and reflection on the short online course that I developed. Virtual education has expanded rapidly over the p...