Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Article Review on The Use of Distance Learning and E-learning


Article Review on The Use of Distance Learning and E-learning


Online learning has become a successful trend and strategy for students with learning disabilities to stay engaged with their studies. Students with learning disabilities are choosing online learning experience rather than the general classroom because of the flexibility and capabilities of technology use. The authors discuss some of the reasons for dropouts among students with disabilities to be as follows: they dislike school, high absenteeism, course failure, discipline problems, grade retention, low self-esteem, and poor academic support among other reasons. The authors discuss five factors that affect school dropout rates, which are identified as the 5 Cs of Student Engagement Framework. Cavannagh, Repetto, Wayer, and Spitler states the 5 Cs of Student Engagement Framework as "First, students need to understand and learn how they control their learning and behaviors. Second, students need an engaging curriculum grounded in effective teaching strategies to support their learning. Third, they need to be provided with a safe and supportive climate in which to learn. Fourth, they need to be part of a caring community that values them as people and learners. Fifth, students need to understand the connection between what they are learning and the skills they need outside the school setting" (Cavannagh, Repetto, Wayer, and Spitler, 2013). Control gives students the ability to be in control of their learning and behaviors by being taught self-determination skills and metacognitive learning/behavior strategies. An effective curriculum can "increase academic time on task, support student learning, teach content, employ varied student groupings, and scaffold learning, assisting students in becoming independent learners" (Cavannagh, Repetto, Wayer, and Spitler, 2013). Digital books are used in online courses and can be used to support the individual needs of a student with disabilities by providing a learning environment conducive for their education. Climate in an online learning experience ensures that every student needs are met by creating a safe learning environment in the home with the support of the staff and parents. A caring community gives the students a sense of belonging and security by being a part of a community that cares about them and their education. Connection through effective instruction motivates students learning as well as teach skills to use outside the learning environment to help transition them into the real world. There has be a continuous connection between the student and teacher to ensure that the student's individual needs are met (Cavannagh, Repetto, Wayer, and Spitler, 2013). In reflection of this article, the authors support online learning as a method to keep students with learning disabilities engaged in their studies as well decrease dropout rates. The authors believe the 5 Cs of Student Engagement Framework is an excellent structure to focus on to build an effective online course. The authors feel that being in control of your learning and behaviors does teach self-determination skills as well as motivation. The authors believe teachers should create an effective interesting curriculum that will keep their students involved, engaged, and support the individual needs of the student. The authors believe the home with the support of the staff and parents is the safest climate in online learning. The authors believe being a part of a caring community that cares about the students and their education gives the students a sense of belonging and security. The authors believe connection is key to an effective learning environment by creating that student-teacher relationship to ensure the student's individual needs are met.


The Use of Distance Learning and E-learning in Students with Learning Disabilities: A Review on the Effects and some Hint of Analysis on the Use during COVID-19 Outbreak - PMC (

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